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ShockBoxx Gallery

A destination for art, art enthusiasts, art collectors and special events.


Intergalactic Open

The call heard around the universe is back y’all…

This is an Open Call to ALL STYLES, MEDIUMS, and THEMES and to artists from ALL LOCATIONS (across the galaxy and beyond).

Cutting edge Hermosa Beach gallery is looking for the best working artists to feature in an upcoming group exhibition at ShockBoxx Gallery in mid February of 2025. The top artist submissions will receive Featured Wall Space and inclusion on Artsy for this exhibition. This is one of our favorite annual exhibitions and we leave it up to you to choose theme and your best artwork to submit to this Juried Group Exhibition. 

Artworks will be judged based on creativity, originality, quality of work, composition, and overall artistic ability.

Exhibition will also be featured on Artsy.

ENTRY DEADLINE: DEADLINE HAS PASSED. Stay tuned here for future Art Calls.